Botanical Hiking at Occoneechee Mountain

Occoneechee Mountain Trail

I’ve been quiet on my Mark All My Words for the past few months. You may have realized this, or it may have escaped your attention. In either case, there is good reason. Since February, I’ve been dealing with a case of severe and prolonged polyneuropathy. As a result, I’ve been far more fatigued and depleted than usual and have had to reduce my activity in order to focus on regaining my health.

In the interim, I’ve still been hiking and exploring trails in the area. If you’ve read Mark All My Words for any length of time, you know that one of my favorite trails is at Occoneechee Mountain in Hillsborough, North Carolina, where there’s an abundance of botanical life that continues to surprise me. On a recent hike, over the last weekend of August, I was able to take photos of some of the best botanical specimens in addition to my usual trail photography, which I will share in this post along with an identification and brief description of each botanical specimen.

Map of Occoneechee Mountain in Hillsborough, North Carolina

I arrived at Occoneechee Mountain (625 Virginia Cates Road, Hillsborough, NC 27278) in the late afternoon on Sunday, August 26th. The weather was absolutely perfect, hovering in the low seventies with minimal humidity and almost no cloud cover. It was so nice, it was hard to believe it was still summer. The sunlight was golden, bathing everything in a shade of welcoming radiance and promising many photographic opportunities. There were only a few vehicles in the parking lot — which meant I didn’t have to wrestle anyone for a spot — so I promptly parked and embarked on the Occoneechee Mountain Loop Trail.

After hiking the first few hills, I came to a red oak that had a noticeable coating of shelf fungus on the north side.

Mossy maze polypore

The fungus turned out to be mossy maze polypore (Cerrena unicolor), and the wood of the oak underneath the fungus was brittle and decomposing, indicating that the tree was in poor health and probably wouldn’t live much longer. I stopped and took a look at the fungus, noticing the delineation of colors, which alternated between white and green in clearly identifiable bands. A fungus with this alternation of color is called zonate, and this distinction can be helpful in identifying many species, as it did in this case.

Loblolly pinecone

Upon passing the first of many rock formations on the Mountain Loop Trail, I noticed a juvenile loblolly pine tree (Pinus taeda) on the side of the trail and stopped to take a look. There was a mature female pine cone on the underside of one of the branches. Since female pine cones—which are the hard, woody cones that most of us associate with pine trees—often take a year and a half or more to mature, it was clear to see that this loblolly pine, however juvenile, was not to be dissuaded from reproduction by youth.

Hiking further down the trail, I came to one of the most photogenic locations at Occoneechee Mountain. At this point in the trail, there’s a fairly steep hill, at the crest of which is a clump of pine, maple, and oak trees, all of which overlap one another and filter the rays of the late afternoon sun. In late fall and midwinter, when the sun is closer to the southern horizon, the rays of sunlight overlap the trail almost exactly, creating a compelling photographic effect when properly timed. As you can see in this photo, however, it’s still a little early in the season.

Sun shining through branches on Occoneechee Mountain Trail

After descending the photogenic hill, I followed the Occoneechee Mountain Loop Trail on its course, veering sharply toward the east at the edge of the park. At this point, the trail enters the floodplain of the Eno River, which is still to the north of the trail. Before you see the river, however, you can feel it, as the temperature drops noticeably due to the proximity to water. Another indicator of proximity to water is the increasing prevalence of sycamore and beech trees, which are scattered along the banks of the river and the edges of the trail.

Occoneehee Mountain Trail on north side

Hiking along the banks of the Eno River, I came to another striking botanical specimen, a yellow wildflower with eight thin petals — each petal is actually a ray floret, an entire flower unto itself waving in the wind at the top of a four-foot-tall plant.

Thin-leaved sunflower (Helianthus decapetalus)

This thin-leaved sunflower (Helianthus decapetalus) is native to the region and predominates in woodland and riparian zones where birds, bees, and butterflies benefit from the added food source.

Following the trail, I climbed a flight of stairs embedded in the side of a hill and came to this escarpment of rock. Along the edge of it, there are numerous maple and beech trees which have taken residence. The escarpment itself is part of an old abandoned rock quarry, which now provides one of the most distinctive sights in all of Occoneechee Mountain. Walking underneath it is something of an exercise in faith and hope, and it’s easy to see how precarious the lives of the adjoining trees must be as a result.

Overhanding rock formation at Occoneechee Mountain

As if in confirmation of that fact, I came to a fallen maple tree, bisecting the Mountain Loop Trail, before I reached the old quarry. There was apparently a fungal infection at the base of the maple’s trunk which eroded its structural integrity over time and left it prone to collapse. With the torrential thunderstorms and heavy winds we’ve had in North Carolina lately — which are becoming increasingly frequent as our planetary climate continues to collapse — the maple tree wasn’t able to withstand the stress and came crashing to the forest floor.

Fallen tree on Occoneechee Mountain Trail

After passing the fallen maple and the old quarry — where I wasn’t able to get decent photos due to the insufficiency of my phone and the sharply contrasting light — I diverged from the Mountain Loop Trail and joined the Brown Elfin Knob Trail.

Shortly after joining the new trail, I noticed a small white mushroom to my right and stopped to take a look.

Ivory funnel mushroom

What I found was an ivory funnel mushroom (Cerrena dealbata), one of the more poisonous fungi at Occoneechee Mountain, which produces a nerve toxin that causes salivation, palpitations, and asphyxiation if ingested in sufficient quantities. Fortunately I wasn’t hungry.

There wasn’t much trail left after this last botanical encounter, and I returned to the parking lot in short order. With the crisp air and fading light to guide me, I headed home, grateful for another beautiful hike at Occnoneechee Mountiain.

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39 thoughts on “Botanical Hiking at Occoneechee Mountain

  1. Really enjoyed the beautiful pics and learning of the botanical beauty of your area. I also have polyneuropathy. I pray to God for your healing and peace.


  2. Walking through forests will give you a feeling of well being. I know as i go quite often and always return feeling fresh.


  3. Beautiful images! Thank you for the detailed descriptions. It always stirs a little sadness in me when I see a tree that has fallen or is dying from some insect or fungus like you describe. Continue to fight the good fight with your health!


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